
  • Top Signs You Should Handle Air Conditioning Repair In The Fall

    When you think about calling an HVAC service during the fall, you might think about doing so in order to have your heating unit serviced or to have repairs done to your heater before temperatures drop too much. However, you can call an HVAC service during the fall to find out about air conditioning repair services, too. These are a few signs that this might be something that you will want to do.
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  • Why An Air Conditioning Repair Technician Will Probably Check Out Your Thermostat

    If you are going to be hiring an air conditioning repair technician to come out to your home, you should expect them to take a look at various components of your home's air conditioning system. For example, your repair technician will probably check out your thermostat. These are some of the reasons why this is a common task for air conditioning repair professionals.  Thermostat Issues Are Common There are all sorts of things that can go wrong and cause an air conditioning system not to work as it's supposed to.
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  • Why Annual Servicing Is Important And When It Needs To Be Done

    You need to make sure you have your AC system serviced each year, and it should preferably be right before you are going to need to run it for that very first time of the season. Learn here why annual servicing is important and why the period right before using it is the best time for the servicing to take place. Why annual inspections are so important One of the reasons it is so important for you to have your air conditioner serviced annually is that you may put a lot of wear on it during the summer, and then it sits unused for the rest of the year.
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  • Air Conditioning Is Important For Your Storefront

    If you run a storefront, you have much more to tend to than ordering merchandise and putting it on the shelves. You also need to take all appropriate steps to provide a decent and safe workplace for all of whom you employ and you need to take all possible steps to get new customers into your store and to keep them returning as regulars. An added plus of creating loyal customers is that it often results in helpful word of mouth advertising that creates even more business growth.
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  • Water Heater Problems You May Face During The Summer

    There are a number of plumbing problems that you can encounter during the summertime. For example, there is a chance that your water heater may fail on you due to the fact that it will be working overtime. Unfortunately, this can be extremely inconvenient on your part, particularly if you are already running late because your alarm didn't go off and you end up having to take a cold shower. Here are a few water heater problems you may face this summer that will likely require professional repairs.
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  • Four HVAC Repair And Maintenance Tips For Pet Owners

    Pets bring a lot of joy to their families, but they can also lead to more work. Pet hair, in particular, can lead your HVAC system to work harder in order to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. The good news is that you can counteract some of the stress on the system caused by your pets by using the following HVAC repair and maintenance tips. Tip 1: Practice Proper Filter Hygiene
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  • A Quick Look At How A Water-Purifying Reverse Osmosis System Is Installed

    If you're concerned about the quality of water in your home, you may be comparing water filtration methods. One of the most effective and convenient ways to filter the water you drink and use for cooking is a reverse osmosis system that's installed under your kitchen sink. Here's a look at how a reverse osmosis system works and how a plumber installs it. How Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Works Reverse osmosis is a filtration system that utilizes a membrane that blocks contaminants from coming out of the drinking water tap.
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  • Your AC May Need A New Evaporator Coil And UV Light To Get Foul Odors Under Control

    If you've been smelling a musty odor in your home and you can't track down the source, it's time to consider your HVAC system. Next time your AC turns on, notice if the musty odor gets stronger. If it does, your air conditioner may have dirty sock syndrome. This condition is caused by a buildup of dirt, bacteria, or mold on the evaporator coils. Here are the repairs your AC may need to get rid of the odor for good.
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  • Signs Your Furnace's Thermostat Might Be Bad And The Repairs It Could Need

    If your home seems chilly and your furnace is running, there might be a problem with the thermostat. Your heating system has multiple parts, such as the furnace, thermostat, and ducts. If any of those parts malfunction, it affects how well your furnace warms your home. Here are signs your thermostat could be bad and the repairs that might be needed. Signs A Thermostat Might Be Bad When a thermostat is bad, it may be completely dead or it may cause erratic temperatures in your home.
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  • Do You Need A Water Filtration System?

    When you turn on the faucet to fill your cup of water, you expect the liquid to come out clear and refreshing. Unfortunately, this may not always be the case. Some people have discolored or foul-tasting water. Some people don't even have healthy water that comes out of their kitchen. Your Water May Contain Bad-Tasting Chemicals Chemicals in your water may include aluminum and fluoride. You may find that these chemicals taste bad.
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