Tips For AC System Replacement
If you are thinking about making your home more thermally efficient, you should look into getting an AC system replacement when the time calls for it. By taking time out of your life to keep your air conditioner running in tip-top shape, it becomes easier for you to feel great and enjoy your house to the fullest. However, to make this happen, you'll need to invest in an AC system replacement with a contractor that is skilled enough to handle the work.
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How Effective Are Ductless Heat Pumps?
There are a few ways to heat any interior space. If your home doesn't have central heat, or if you have central air but still need a little more heat in some rooms, ductless heat pumps can be a perfect heating solution. This article explains ductless heat pumps, how they work, and where they work best. A Convenient Heating Solution The best reason to use a ductless heat pump is the convenience.
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What to Do Before It's Time to Turn On the Air Conditioning in the House
If you want to make sure that your home is ready to start being air conditioned throughout the warmer summer months, you will want to keep reading. Here are a few of the things that you will want to start doing well before the heat really rolls in. Have Your Central Air Conditioner Professionally Serviced You will want to call for this as soon as you can after the final winter frost.
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2 Tips For Finding The Ideal Location For Your New Central Air Conditioning Unit
If you are having a central HVAC system installed in your home, you may wonder how to go about selecting a spot outside for the air conditioning unit. If so, use the following tips for finding the ideal location for your new central air conditioning unit. Pick an Area About Foot or Two Away from Your Home The first thing you should consider when selecting a spot for your new AC unit is its distance from your home.
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A Guide To A New AC Purchase
The more you care for your air conditioning system, the better it will serve you. Since your air conditioner needs constant care, you'll want to look into staying on top of this maintenance, while also upgrading your HVAC system when it's time. If you need to learn the best ways to install a brand new air conditioning system and work with a professional, read on to learn the tips in this article:
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Found Mold In Your Crawlspace? 2 Ways You Can Deal With It
If you had to go into your crawlspace to investigate something, such as your duct work, and noticed that there is mold growing, you need to take steps to get rid of it quick. This mold can get inside the duct work and when your HVAC system turns on mold spores will spread in your home. Fortunately, there are ways you can deal with the mold, two of which are listed below.
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5 Common Air Conditioning Mistakes To Avoid This Summer
During the hot summer months, many people rely on their home's air conditioning system to keep the house cool around the clock, Unfortunately, many homeowners make several major air conditioning mistakes that they are not even aware of. If you use your air conditioning every day during the summer, make sure to avoid the following common mistakes: Not Scheduling Regular Maintenance An HVAC unit is a complicated machine-- no one should expect it to operate as efficiently as possible when it is not properly maintained.
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Troubleshooting Your Air Conditioner After A Storm
After a severe storm, you may be concerned that your air conditioner has electrical damage. Your HVAC contractor can help you to make any necessary repairs, but there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot your unit to see if it is in need of repair. Here are a few things you can do to inspect and troubleshoot your AC unit after a severe storm. Check Your Breaker Box
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Keep Ice Buildup at Bay with These Helpful Tips
As outdoor temperatures reach the triple digits, the last thing you want to see is your air conditioner enveloped in ice. This strange sight is usually a sign that your air conditioner is in need of a little TLC. To keep this sight from being a common one for your home, it's important to follow the tips listed below. Keep Your Air Filter Clean An air filter that's caked with dirt and debris can starve your air conditioner of the airflow it needs to operate properly.
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Temperamental Shower Temp? A Thermostatic Mixing Valve Will Solve Your Problems
Does your shower water feel hot one minute and too chilly the next? Perhaps you get a blast of hot water whenever someone flushes the toilet or turns on the cold water elsewhere in the home. These fluctuations in shower temperature can make your entire shower experience less enjoyable -- not to mention leave you susceptible to burns. Thankfully, there is a solution: a thermostatic mixing valve. What's a thermostatic mixing valve?
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