What to Do Before It's Time to Turn On the Air Conditioning in the House
Posted on: 18 December 2017
If you want to make sure that your home is ready to start being air conditioned throughout the warmer summer months, you will want to keep reading. Here are a few of the things that you will want to start doing well before the heat really rolls in.
Have Your Central Air Conditioner Professionally Serviced
You will want to call for this as soon as you can after the final winter frost. This way, you won't have to worry about trying to be squeezed in for an appointment during a time when everyone else is rushing to get their unit serviced as well. You will find that the closer it is to the warmer weather, the busier the HVAC technicians will become.
Clean Out the Vents Through the House
Take a few minutes to clean off the dust and any other debris from the vents throughout the house. This way, the vents are freshly cleaned, and you won't have to worry as much about dust blowing through the house. If you want to do a very thorough cleaning, you can always remove the vents to clean both sides. In most cases, only a screwdriver is needed in order to remove the vents.
Have the Duct Work Cleaned Out
This will require the use of a skilled HVAC technician, as they will use special tools and equipment to make sure that the inside of the duct work is cleared of all dust, dirt, dead insects, and spider webs. During this routine cleaning, the HVAC technician may also be able to notice if there is a section of the duct work that needs to be repaired or replaced. After all, if there is a spot in the duct work line that is broken, a lot of the cool air that you are trying to get throughout all of the rooms in your house can seep out into the cavity space behind the walls and ceilings. This will result in your home not being as cool as you would like, and you could end up with an exceptionally large electric bill.
Should you need any assistance getting your home and HVAC equipment ready, you will want to call in a contractor or air conditioning expert. This way, you won't have to worry about trying to deal with any unexpected problems when the inside of your home is starting to reach a boiling point.